Harshil Chovatiya - Day 20: Event Propagation and Event Object

Harshil Chovatiya - Day 20: Event Propagation and Event Object

Harshil Chovatiya - Day 20: Event Propagation and Event Object

Harshil Chovatiya - Day 20: Event Propagation and Event Object

Today, we'll delve into event propagation and the event object in JavaScript. Understanding these concepts is essential for handling complex user interactions and building interactive web applications.

Event Propagation:

Event propagation refers to the order in which events are triggered when an event occurs on an element nested within another element. In the DOM, there are two phases of event propagation: capturing and bubbling.

  • Capturing Phase: In this phase, the event travels from the root of the DOM tree to the target element. It allows you to intercept and handle the event before it reaches the target element.
  • Bubbling Phase: After the event reaches the target element, it bubbles up from the target to the root of the DOM tree. This phase allows you to handle the event on ancestor elements.


Consider the following HTML structure:

    <div id="outer">
        <div id="inner">Click me!</div>

Let's add event listeners to both the inner and outer divs:

    var outerDiv = document.getElementById("outer");
    var innerDiv = document.getElementById("inner");
    outerDiv.addEventListener("click", function() {
        console.log("Outer div clicked!");
    }, true); // Setting the third argument to true enables capturing phase
    innerDiv.addEventListener("click", function() {
        console.log("Inner div clicked!");

Now, when you click the inner div, you'll observe that the event first triggers the capturing phase listener on the outer div and then the bubbling phase listener on the inner div.

Event Object:

When an event occurs, JavaScript provides an event object that contains information about the event. This object can be accessed as a parameter in your event handler function.


    var myElement = document.getElementById("myElement");
    myElement.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
        console.log("Event type: " + event.type);
        console.log("Target element: " + event.target);
        console.log("Mouse coordinates: " + event.clientX + ", " + event.clientY);

In this example, we log various properties of the event object, such as the event type, target element, and mouse coordinates.

Event Stopping:

You can prevent the default behavior of an event or stop its propagation using methods like preventDefault() and stopPropagation().


Understanding event propagation and the event object is crucial for handling complex user interactions in web applications. These concepts allow you to control how events propagate through the DOM and access detailed information about the events, enabling you to create interactive and responsive web interfaces. As you progress in your learning journey, you'll use these concepts to build sophisticated event-driven applications.

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