Harshil Chovatiya - Day 18: Creating New DOM Elements
In today's lesson, we will learn how to create new DOM elements using JavaScript and insert them into the document. This is an essential skill for building dynamic web applications.
1. Creating New Elements:
You can create new DOM elements using the document.createElement
var newDiv = document.createElement("div");
Now, newDiv
is a JavaScript object representing the new <div>
element, but
it's not yet part of the DOM.
2. Modifying New Elements:
You can set attributes, text content, and other properties of the newly created element.
newDiv.className = "custom-div";
newDiv.textContent = "This is a new div element!";
Now, newDiv
has a class name and text content assigned.
3. Inserting New Elements:
To add the new element to the DOM, you can use methods like appendChild
, or insertAdjacentElement
Suppose you have an existing element in your HTML:
<div id="parentDiv">Existing content</div>
You can insert the newDiv element inside parentDiv using appendChild:
var parentDiv = document.getElementById("parentDiv");
Now, the newDiv
element is a child of parentDiv
Creating and inserting new DOM elements dynamically is crucial for building dynamic and interactive web applications. With these skills, you can dynamically generate content, respond to user actions, and update the DOM as needed. In future lessons, we'll explore more advanced DOM manipulation techniques to enhance your web development abilities.
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