Harshil Chovatiya - Day 21: Traversing the DOM

Harshil Chovatiya - Day 21: Traversing the DOM

Harshil Chovatiya - Day 21: Traversing the DOM

Harshil Chovatiya - Day 21: Traversing the DOM

Today, we'll focus on traversing the Document Object Model (DOM) in JavaScript. Traversing the DOM means navigating through its hierarchical structure to select and manipulate elements.

Accessing Parent Nodes:

To access an element's parent node, you can use the parentNode property.


Consider the following HTML structure:

     <div id="parent">
        <p>Child paragraph</p>

Let's access the parent div from the child paragraph:

    var childParagraph = document.querySelector("p");
    var parentDiv = childParagraph.parentNode;
    console.log(parentDiv.id); // Outputs: "parent"

Here, we accessed the parent div from the child paragraph using parentNode.

Accessing Child Nodes:

To access an element's child nodes, you can use properties like childNodes or more specific methods like children.


Consider the following HTML structure:

    <ul id="myList">
        <li>Item 1</li>
        <li>Item 2</li>

Let's access the list items:

    var myList = document.getElementById("myList");
    // Using childNodes to access all child nodes, including text nodes
    var childNodes = myList.childNodes;
    console.log(childNodes.length); // Outputs: 5 (includes text nodes)
    // Using children to access only element nodes
    var children = myList.children;
    console.log(children.length); // Outputs: 2 (only the <li> elements)

Here, we used childNodes to access all child nodes (including text nodes), and children to access only the element nodes.

Accessing Sibling Nodes:

You can access an element's sibling nodes using properties like previousSibling, nextSibling, previousElementSibling, and nextElementSibling.


Consider the following HTML structure:

        <li>Item 1</li>
        <li id="target">Item 2</li>
        <li>Item 3</li>

Let's access the previous and next siblings of the target list item:

    var target = document.getElementById("target");
    var previousItem = target.previousElementSibling;
    var nextItem = target.nextElementSibling;
    console.log(previousItem.textContent); // Outputs: "Item 1"
    console.log(nextItem.textContent); // Outputs: "Item 3"

Here, we accessed the previous and next sibling elements of the target list item.


Traversing the DOM allows you to navigate through the DOM tree and select specific elements for manipulation. By accessing parent nodes, child nodes, and sibling nodes, you can build more sophisticated DOM manipulation logic for your web applications. In the next lessons, we'll explore advanced topics related to DOM manipulation.

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